Monday, April 26, 2010

Major Label Bidding War

I wish there was more days like today. Today was my perfect idea of a day on summer vacation.

I wish hanging around my house getting some things done when my friend called me to go skate. I said I still had to shower and get ready to which he replied "Man, fuck showering, we're skating". I realized how dumb I sounded right after that. What came was a day full of empty skate parks, cut offs dirty from bailing, watermelon arizonas, intense b.o. from my unshowered self and a freshly learned boneless. I guess some things could have been rearranged for a better day, but who the hell am I to complain. Jamming to Junior Battles only furthered this feeling.

I feel kind of weird. Not sure if it's a good feeling or a bad feeling and that's incredibly odd. Emotionally I feel like a jenga tower that has the two outer bricks taken from one row. You know? Teetering. I'm sure I'm fine. And if I'm not fine then music exists anyways. So I guess that does make me fine? I really don't know what I'm saying anymore.

I really am a simple guy with simple pleasures, but sometimes I do forget that. So when I do, please kick me in the head, tell me to lace up my vans and shove me out the door with my deck and an Ergs! mixtape. Alright?


Hey, you know what's rad? One of my favourite bands is playing in Toronto for the first time! I'm gonna go see The Wonder Years and scream the lyrics so hard that I cough up blood!

Lawd, what a terrible blog this is.

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