Friday, October 5, 2018


Skateboarder Jim Greco, a founder and member of one my favourite teams Deathwish, recently released his newest short film Jobs? Never!!

I guess that it is technically still a skate part/video, but I also find it interesting that he chooses to call it a short film instead of a "skate part", but it's also evident why he does that. Rather than the tried and true method of pairing a skateboarder's footage with popular music the skater in question enjoys, Greco takes a more narrative-based approach.

On one hand, it's a stark contrast to basically every skate video that every company puts out and Jobs? Never!!, shot on 16 and 35 mm film, seems like an Italian movie from the 70's in comparison. This is further emphasized when you compare Greco's white collared shirt and jacket outfit with the uber-hip current skate fashion that almost everyone under 30 wears today. On the other though, the shots of Greco casually skating through Los Angeles remind me a lot of Lance Mountain's solo scenes in Powell-Peralta's first-ever video from 1984, The Bones Brigade Video Show, so at once Greco is diverging himself from the norm while also firmly rooting himself in the history of his discipline.

I really appreciate that Greco is trying hard to innovate a medium that, while immensely enjoyable, hasn't really evolved that much stylistically since the early 90's (Spike Jonze's contributions notwithstanding). Also always have to show love when somebody puts Tom Penny in a video in the 10's.

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