Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Random Anecdotes Vol. 1

Last night while I was trying to fall asleep I randomly remembered something funny that happened when I went to the movies with Paul and Pat in high school. Funny enough that I rolled over to write it down, so I would remember to write a blog about it today!

An important thing to explain before I jump into this story is what it is like to go to the movies with Paul. In short, ridiculous. I remember one occasion when Paul, Damien and I went to go see a horror movie (the name escapes me now and all that I can off is that we went and saw Boogeyman around this time as well  and that came out in 2005, so it came out sometime around there) and the movie was exceptionally awful, to the point that pretty much the entire theatre noticed how bad it was. Since we were in 10th grade and thought we were hilarious (we kind of are), we started making weird noises and singing "Crazy Train" in falsetto. Obnoxious and rude to everyone around us? Yes. The funniest thing of all-time to us at the time? Certainly.

Anyways, one day in high school, Paul, Pat and I decided that we should go and see Spiderman 3 at the movie theatre. While everyone looks back on this film franchise now extremely negatively, at the time everyone got incredibly hyphy about Spiderman movies and their release was pretty much the biggest deal, especially in this case where everyone knew that the symbiot/Venom would be the crux of the story. Pat mentioned that he still had his VHS copy of the Venom saga from the excellent Spiderman the Animated Series cartoon and we figured that we should watch it before the movie.

One thing we noticed while watching the cartoon was that every time Venom was on-screen, he made this ridiculous "AAHBLGHAGHLAGHLABAGH" sound. For reference, refer to 0:53 of this video. We thought it was totally hilarious and kept making the sound the entire we hanging out.

If you haven't seen Spiderman 3, it's pretty terrible. Sam Raimi directed it, so I guess it's supposed to be campy, but it is a super terrible movie. Once again being with Paul and watching a bad movie in theatres, we started to make jokes to each other and one of the first ones we started was whispering "aaghablagghalaghaghablagh" to each other any time Venom came on-screen. The three of us kept it up for the rest of the movie and it got funnier and funnier each time.

This is one of those inside jokes that we can still make to each other years later and all pick up on it right away and also the type of thing that I randomly think about like once year (like last night) and still makes me chuckle to myself.


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