Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm Just Your Little "&."

Yesterday I saw John K Samson on his tour supporting his recently released and completely, totally excellent full-length solo debut album Provincial. The show was fucking incredible. He played most of the new album and a great selection of Weakerthans material. In addition to this he also whipped out a great cover of "The Boat Dreams From The Hill" by Jawbreaker as well as grabbing a bass to do a rendition of "Gifts" by Propagandhi which lead right into "Anchorless" to end the show. If you were in the Ebar and not smiling, you have something very wrong with you.

What grabbed me most during the show though was when John K played "The Last And" off of his new album. He prefaced the song by saying something along the lines of "This song is about an affair between a teacher and her principal that took place during the 1980's. It's totally fictional though. I realized after it that it had a bit of a Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner vibe to it." and this made me realize two things.

1. As if you had to do something to make me love you even more John, now you're making Simpsons references during shows? Come on!

2. This is probably the saddest song I've ever heard. I really didn't notice this until I saw him perform the song live after his shpiel about it. It's about an affair falling apart from the teacher's perspective and it is seriously the most sobering fucking song.

I would definitely recommend opening the lyrics first, right here and then watching this video:

Try not to cry, I DARE YOU.

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