Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Can You Show Me Your Special Smile?
- You are thinking "Man! This jam rules! It is the catchiest song ever!"
- You are in a mental institution because you don't think it is the catchiest song ever.
Now It's All I See
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I Love New York City
So this past week I spent three days in New York City. My parents booked me the trip as my Christmas present. They figured since I’m doing the whole “art school” thing, I should to the closest big art community. Also, I’ve never traveled before, let alone flown somewhere. Big shit, no?
So I flew out Monday morning. I’m not going to lie, I was really nervous waiting in the terminal for my flight. The fact that I flew through customs and had to wait another two hours for my flight didn’t help either. I was fine as soon as we took off though. I landed and was alone in New York for about six hours. I realized that I HATE traveling along and am probably not going to do it again.
But, I eventually met up with some people. We split up as everyone had different plans. Cara, Alex and Tom went to go see a Broadway, while Nickey, Nick and I went to Soho and to try and find CBGB and OMFUG. I got a rad tank top and found out that the world’s most famous punk venue has been turned into a record store. Kind of bummed me out. Then I met Paul, Dwyer, Winkler and Pat at their hostel. We had a few drinks and mingled with some other travelers. We went to this place Dallas BBQ for dinner. They specialize in barbecuing food (duh) and we ate some much chicken and so many ribs. Wicked cornbread too. Subway ride home and walked past some sketchy crack heads in Times Square on the way to my hotel.
First thing next morning we walked through Central Park to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Their collection was ridiculous. First thing we saw was the Greek and Roman sculpture exhibit. Some of the pieces were really old and all of them were incredible looking. I didn’t even know they would have stuff like that and it blew me away. The one I liked most from that part was a huge sculpture of Hercules wearing a lion’s skin around his body, it looked fucking gnarly. After that I went to check out the European collection. At the AGO I’m used to seeing one or two works by each major artist. At the Met they had rooms assigned to each one. Their collection was overwhelming. My favourite part was seeing Jaques-Louis David’s “The Death of Socrates”. He is one of my favourite artists and that painting looks absolutely astounding. Following that I headed to the 19th/20th century European exhibit. This is really my favourite type of art. Getting to see Manet’s first painting accepted into the Salon was really a big deal for me. They also had a great modern collection as well. I had no idea the museum was going to be as extensive as it was. It blew me away.
We got some rad NYC pizza after that. Mine had baked pasta on top of it. We went back to down to Soho to check some more stuff out. Then we got in a cab to check out the Brooklyn Banks. It’s probably the most famous skate spot in the world and it’s getting torn down this year but luckily I had a chance to see it before it got wrecked. I got a brick for my brother and I and it really turned out to be one of my favourite parts of the trip. That night we drank in my hotel and watched the Canada-Slovakia hockey game.
I got up early in the morning to make it to the MoMA before I had to catch my shuttle to the airport. I did get to see most of it, but missed out on catching the bulk of the Tim Burton exhibit which sucked because I love him so much. But I got to see some of his stuff along with pretty everything else the place had to offer. I found that I forgot about a lot of the stuff that they have in there. I’d turn a corner and think “Oh, that’s starry night” or “I forgot that Full Fathom 5 was here”. Tons of cool stuff.
After that I waited way too long in the airport for my flight and came home. Upside was a jumbo pretzel-dog and a sprite.
Some stuff about New York:
Fucking Hawaiian Punch. I used to drink it all the time when I was younger but they don’t sell it in Canada anymore. I had it so much this trip.
Fucking Hot Nuts. So many stands selling hot honey roasted nuts in New York. SO DELICIOUS. Toronto needs to get on this now.
So much good food all around. Street meat needs some work though.
Your subway is fucking confusing.
Your bagels rule way too hard. Seriously. Doesn’t everyone go to New York, come home and think “Man, our bagels suck”? We can learn how to make them like that. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY.
Make a law against promoting stand-up comedy in Times Square. Please.
Start shipping bagels and strawberry Sunny Delight to me in Toronto.
I love your cabs. They are cheap and come all the time.
Toronto doesn’t even know what jay-walking is. Pedestrians and drivers are just way too reckless in New York.
Also; title is an Andrew W.K. reference. Not the shirt. Even though I did buy one. It was $2.99.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
Monday, February 8, 2010
This Is My Year For Sure
- get my average in school back up to where it used to be
- keep what I have going on right now, going for a while longer
- and maybe write some jams