Thursday, October 22, 2009

When I Feel Weak You Make Me Feel Strong

The emotional and expressive power of music is something that never ceases to amaze me. You can be feeling shitty about school, not being to finish anything, etc. You think that generally things could be going better. But then walking home one of your favourite bands comes on shuffle. And as soon as you hear Stephen's poppy guitar riff and Milo sing out "everything is gonna be ok, we've got it made together" and suddenly your problems don't seem so overbearing and your able to put everything in perspective.

Thank science for music, don't know where the fuck I would be without it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

So Yea

Who would win in a fight? Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Mankind or a raptor?

I can't decide which of these songs is my favourite right now because they are all so damn good:

The Replacements- Can't Hardly Wait (demo)
The song's about a kid thinking to himself while he drives to the water tower in his small town to commit suicide. The lyrics are really good and the instrumentation is better than the other version they recorded

Grave Maker- Time Heals Nothing
This song is about being cheezed and feeling shitty. Grave Maker is one of the best hardcore bands around today and their last album was really solid front to back. I listened to them before bed the other day and got so stoked that it took me awhile to fall asleep because all I wanted to do was stage dive.

Bomb The Music Industry!- King of Minneapolis Parts III & IV
This song is about being so depressed that you try to drink yourself to death. During the night you meet a stranger that is really nice to you even though you don't know them. You also have a conversation with one of your friends and that cheers you up. You wake up in the morning without a hangover, even though you drank more than Theo Fleury last night. Then you decide that life's ok and you don't need to worry that much. Jeff's lyrics are obviously autobiographical and he got a tattoo of that stranger's face.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fuck Yea

How does The Suicide Machines, We Are The Union, Make Do and Mend and Shook Ones in one weekend sound to you?

Because it sounds pretty fucking stellar to me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


It's funny how fast your mood can turn around after a few dinosaur comics and a video of a goat who thinks he's a man.

But I'm All Wrong

The lyrics are pretty heavy and listening to their acoustic album usually bums me out. But sometimes I get in a pretty huge bummer of a mood and these songs make me feel a lot better

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Work is a lot easier to stomach when you have something awesome to look forward to at the end of it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Turkey Bowl

On Thanksgiving, most families have a football game, or something of the like.

The Chandlers focus a skateboard, then glue it back together with "amazing goop!" hockey tape and a 2x4, then spray paint it black and write "po dat" on it.

Then we use it on a trampoline. Fuck yea.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trip Home

Coming home from school I always have a (sort of) long bus ride. I didn't realize how much I appreciate them until today. Usually I take a sweet power nap. More importantly it gives me time to listen to music. Not throw on something in the background, or listen to half-asleep on the way to school, but really have a good listen to an album. I always listen to albums all the way through that I sometimes neglect. It's nice.

That being said, today's trip:
Jimmy Eat World- Bleed American
Hot Water Music- Caution
Gaslight Anthem- Sink or Swim
Static Radio NJ- An Evening of Bad Decisions
Barnaby Jones- Barnaby Jones
Kid Dynamite- Shorter, Faster, Louder
We Are The Union- Who We Are

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pet Peeve

People who say "what the eff?"

Just say fuck. It's really not that big of a deal.

Jesus Christ.